World Camping Experience Zone
Campground and Recreational Forest
World Camping Experience Zone
123, Seonsa-ro, Jeongok-eup,Yeoncheon-gun, Gyeonggi-do
Yeoncheon FacilitiesManagement Corporation
https://www.yccs.or.krYeoncheon World Camping Experience Zone is a large-scale camping facility with a pension featuring a prehistoric hand ax and columnar joints - the leading cultural and natural legacies of Yeoncheon-gun - a windmill-shaped pension, dinosaur-shaped caravan, native American-style camping, luxury camping facilities (glamping), Mongolian-style camping, wooden-platform campground, bathrooms, and cleaning room.
In addition, it is adjacent to the Hantangang River, which famous for its beautiful natural scenery. There is a park (trail) leading to the Yeoncheon Jeongok-ri Prehistoric Site and the Prehistoric Museum, allowing visitors to experience both nature and prehistoric culture.